student government
Student Government at CUNY Law
MiscellaneousStudent Government at CUNY Law receives its mandate to govern from the CUNY Law Student Handbook (2020-2021 edition linked; updated annually) and TKTKTK. The CUNY Law Governance Plan establishes a formal role for SG-elected members on the Personnel and Budget Committee, the Committee on Committees, the Faculty Meeting, and other faculty committees as appropriate. CUNY Students are also governed by Article XV of the CUNY Bylaws.
Student government at CUNY Law is relatively well-documented, although rumors continue to exist about a laptop or desktop computer somewhere in the CUNY building that carries more of an archive but is currently inaccessible due to COVID. SG itself varies widely in its efficacy, due to the capacity of law students and the interest of the members.
As a governing body of a public institution, CUNY Law Student Government is subject to the Open Meetings Act and must walk some particularly precarious lines regarding respecting freedom of speech, race- and gender-neutral governance, and so forth. This is especially true when considering organizations that are in the minority viewpoint at CUNY Law, such as the always-controversial Federalist Society.
SG Misc Resolutions 2010-2012
Bar Passage, LIC Move - New Building, Student Government- SG Resolution re No Coca-Cola on Campus
- Resolution on Purchase Price of 2 Court Square
- Office Policy
- Forum Reform
- Condemnation of Violence Against Peaceful Protesters
- 2012-05-02 Student Voting Rts Amendment RATIFIED
- 2012-05-02 Student Union Amendment RATIFIED
- 2012-05-02 Shared Student Time Resolution
- 2012-05-02 SG Bar Course Requirement Resolution
- 2012-05-02 Clean Elections Resolution PASSED
- 2012-05-02 Announcement of Bar Course Resolution
- 2011-11-01 CUNY Law Floor Plan
- 2011-10-11 Condemnation of NYPD Surveillance
- 2010-02-08 Resolution on Purchase Price of 2 Court Square
SG Minutes 2010-2011
Student GovernmentSG Agenda 1-26-2011
SG Agenda 2-2-2011
SG Agenda 8-24-2010
SG Agenda 9-7-2010
SG Agenda 9-14-2010
SG_Agenda 9-28-2010
SG Agenda 10-5-2010
SG Agenda 10-12-2010
SG Agenda 10-26-10
SG Agenda 11-02-10
SG Agenda 11-09-10
SG Minutes 8-24-2010
SG Minutes 9-7-2010
SG Minutes 9-28-2010
SG Minutes 10-5-2010
SG Minutes 10-12-2010
SG Minutes 10-26-2010
SG Minutes 11-2-2010
SG Minutes 11-9-2010
SG Minutes 11-23-2010
SG Minutes 11-30-2010
SG Minutes 2-9-2011
SG Minutes 2-17-2011
SG Minutes 3-2-2011
SG Minutes 3-17-2011
SIT Resolution
SG Minutes: 2009-2010
Student GovernmentGeneral Meeting Minutes 2009-09-01
General Meeting Minutes 2009-09-15
General Meeting Minutes 2009-09-29
General Meeting Minutes 2009-10-13
General Meeting Minutes 2009-10-27
General Meeting Minutes 2009-11-10
Emergency Meeting Minutes 2009-11-14
General Meeting Minutes 2009-11-24
General Meeting Minutes 2010-01-19
General Meeting Minutes 2010-02-09
General Meeting Minutes 2010-02-16
General Meeting Minutes 2010-02-23
General Meeting Minutes 2010-03-02
Special Session Meeting Minutes 2010-03-11
General Meeting Minutes 2010-04-06
General Meeting Minutes 2010-04-26
Resolution on Purchase Price of 2 Court Square
SG Minutes: 2013
Student GovernmentSG Minutes: 2012
Student GovernmentJAN
2012-01-25 SG General Meeting Minutes
12-02-02 SG General Meeting Minutes
2012-02-09 SG Informal Meeting Minutes
2012-02-16 SG General Meeting Minutes
2012-02-24 USS Report Back
2012-03-21 General Meeting Minutes
2012-03-07 SG General Meeting Minutes
2012-04-04 General Meeting Minutes
2012-04-18 General Meeting Minutes
2012-05-02 General Meeting Minutes
2012-06-21 Emergency Session E-Minutes
2012-06-21 Emergency Session E-Discussion & E-Vote (Votes 7 of 8)
2012-06-21 Emergency Session E-Discussion & E-Vote (Fleming Vote)
2012-09-04 General Meeting Minutes
2012-09-05 Faculty Meeting Minutes FINAL
2012-09-11 General Meeting Minutes
2012-09-13 – ADA Compliance Meeting Notes
2012-09-21 – ADA Compliance Meeting Notes
2012-09-27 General Meeting Minutes
2012-09-27 General Meeting Minutes SAMPLE
2012-09-27 Student Government Orientation
2012-10-23 Resolution re Coke FINAL
2012-10-23 Resolution re Coke SIGNED